How can I make names more distinctive without making them longer? Simulating Exploding Dice Is it possible to ask for a hotel room without minibar/extra services? Is there a documented rationale why the House Ways and Means chairman can demand tax info? 90's book, teen horror Sorting inherited template fields Why don't the Weasley twins use magic outside of school if the Trace can only find the location of spells cast? Is above average number of years spent on PhD considered a red flag in future academia or industry positions? Is there a service that would inform me whenever a new direct route is scheduled from a given airport? Two different pronunciation of "понял" Can a monk deflect thrown melee weapons? How to politely respond to generic emails requesting a PhD/job in my lab? Without wasting too much time How do I automatically answer y in bash script? Why use gamma over alpha radiation? Did the new image of black hole confirm...