How to improve on this Stylesheet Manipulation for Message Styling Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 00:00UTC (8:00pm US/Eastern) Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why another podcast?Programming scripts to create and modify stylesheets: problems with contextsChanging Color of error messagesAutomatically including custom stylesheet with notebookSharing styles between notebooks (Mathematica v9)Is it possible to create a styled cell with pre-defined content?How edit stylesheet to change automatic numbering of Reference type to numeric, not alphabetic?Where is the file Default.nb?Questions on applying a private Stylesheet to another NotebookHow can I Programmatically Delete Styles from a Notebook's Stylesheet?How to change the default Notebook stylesheetWhy does Mathematica ignore my stylesheet for DisplayFormulaNumbered cells?Merging list valued style options

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How to improve on this Stylesheet Manipulation for Message Styling

Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 00:00UTC (8:00pm US/Eastern)
Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara
Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why another podcast?Programming scripts to create and modify stylesheets: problems with contextsChanging Color of error messagesAutomatically including custom stylesheet with notebookSharing styles between notebooks (Mathematica v9)Is it possible to create a styled cell with pre-defined content?How edit stylesheet to change automatic numbering of Reference type to numeric, not alphabetic?Where is the file Default.nb?Questions on applying a private Stylesheet to another NotebookHow can I Programmatically Delete Styles from a Notebook's Stylesheet?How to change the default Notebook stylesheetWhy does Mathematica ignore my stylesheet for DisplayFormulaNumbered cells?Merging list valued style options



The answer by @Kuba changing color of error messages did not seem to work for me (MMA 11.0.1 Win 10 64-bit).

I couldn't work out why and implemented something else that does work for me, but it seems very ugly and I'm sure I could learn much by seeing how others would improve on it.

I think @Kuba's answer should have worked because I created the Default.nb as proposed in $UserBaseDirectory and my stylesheets ultimately inherit from it (Default.nb -> JM Stylsheet -> JM Clearer for TeamViewer).

However, I also directly modified my own stylesheets by using the "enter a style name" box, entering MessageMenuLabel and MessageText and styling them appropriately. The new styles worked and I saved stylesheets but on restarting MMA these styles were gone again.

Finally I wrote this (my 1st attempt to programmatically manipulate style definitions) making further use of @Kuba's answer to this question as follows

(* To preserve the current stylesheet information it has to be
plucked out of the StyleDefinitions; 1st time this is OK as the
StyleDefinitions = just a notebook name, but after adding items it
gets messy and we need to extract the stylesheet notebook name to reapply it.
sdef = CurrentValue[EvaluationNotebook[], StyleDefinitions];
If[! StringQ[sdef], (*
this is typically just the filename of a stylesheet notebook,
but if it isn't... *)
sdef = ToString[sdef];
sdef = StringCases[sdef, "StyleDefinitions -> " ~~ __ ~~ ".nb]]",
sdef = StringReplace[
sdef[[1]], "StyleDefinitions -> " -> "", "]]" -> ""]
SetOptions[EvaluationNotebook[], StyleDefinitions -> Notebook[
Cell[StyleData[StyleDefinitions -> sdef]],
Cell[StyleData["MessageMenuLabel"], Bold,
FontColor -> RGBColor[N[174/255], 0.1, 0],
FontSize ->
CurrentValue[StyleDefinitions, "Output", "FontSize"]],
FontColor -> RGBColor[0.1, 0.1, 0.1]]

(* last line needed per Kuba's Programming scripts to create and modify stylesheets answer*)
/. s_Symbol /; Context[s] === "Global`" :>
Symbol["FrontEnd`" <> SymbolName[s]]]
(* Do something illegal to check the message appearance... *)

Questions Why might the straightforward approach not have worked, and - for educational purposes - how should it be done programmatically & idiomatically?

share|improve this question




    The answer by @Kuba changing color of error messages did not seem to work for me (MMA 11.0.1 Win 10 64-bit).

    I couldn't work out why and implemented something else that does work for me, but it seems very ugly and I'm sure I could learn much by seeing how others would improve on it.

    I think @Kuba's answer should have worked because I created the Default.nb as proposed in $UserBaseDirectory and my stylesheets ultimately inherit from it (Default.nb -> JM Stylsheet -> JM Clearer for TeamViewer).

    However, I also directly modified my own stylesheets by using the "enter a style name" box, entering MessageMenuLabel and MessageText and styling them appropriately. The new styles worked and I saved stylesheets but on restarting MMA these styles were gone again.

    Finally I wrote this (my 1st attempt to programmatically manipulate style definitions) making further use of @Kuba's answer to this question as follows

    (* To preserve the current stylesheet information it has to be
    plucked out of the StyleDefinitions; 1st time this is OK as the
    StyleDefinitions = just a notebook name, but after adding items it
    gets messy and we need to extract the stylesheet notebook name to reapply it.
    sdef = CurrentValue[EvaluationNotebook[], StyleDefinitions];
    If[! StringQ[sdef], (*
    this is typically just the filename of a stylesheet notebook,
    but if it isn't... *)
    sdef = ToString[sdef];
    sdef = StringCases[sdef, "StyleDefinitions -> " ~~ __ ~~ ".nb]]",
    sdef = StringReplace[
    sdef[[1]], "StyleDefinitions -> " -> "", "]]" -> ""]
    SetOptions[EvaluationNotebook[], StyleDefinitions -> Notebook[
    Cell[StyleData[StyleDefinitions -> sdef]],
    Cell[StyleData["MessageMenuLabel"], Bold,
    FontColor -> RGBColor[N[174/255], 0.1, 0],
    FontSize ->
    CurrentValue[StyleDefinitions, "Output", "FontSize"]],
    FontColor -> RGBColor[0.1, 0.1, 0.1]]

    (* last line needed per Kuba's Programming scripts to create and modify stylesheets answer*)
    /. s_Symbol /; Context[s] === "Global`" :>
    Symbol["FrontEnd`" <> SymbolName[s]]]
    (* Do something illegal to check the message appearance... *)

    Questions Why might the straightforward approach not have worked, and - for educational purposes - how should it be done programmatically & idiomatically?

    share|improve this question







      The answer by @Kuba changing color of error messages did not seem to work for me (MMA 11.0.1 Win 10 64-bit).

      I couldn't work out why and implemented something else that does work for me, but it seems very ugly and I'm sure I could learn much by seeing how others would improve on it.

      I think @Kuba's answer should have worked because I created the Default.nb as proposed in $UserBaseDirectory and my stylesheets ultimately inherit from it (Default.nb -> JM Stylsheet -> JM Clearer for TeamViewer).

      However, I also directly modified my own stylesheets by using the "enter a style name" box, entering MessageMenuLabel and MessageText and styling them appropriately. The new styles worked and I saved stylesheets but on restarting MMA these styles were gone again.

      Finally I wrote this (my 1st attempt to programmatically manipulate style definitions) making further use of @Kuba's answer to this question as follows

      (* To preserve the current stylesheet information it has to be
      plucked out of the StyleDefinitions; 1st time this is OK as the
      StyleDefinitions = just a notebook name, but after adding items it
      gets messy and we need to extract the stylesheet notebook name to reapply it.
      sdef = CurrentValue[EvaluationNotebook[], StyleDefinitions];
      If[! StringQ[sdef], (*
      this is typically just the filename of a stylesheet notebook,
      but if it isn't... *)
      sdef = ToString[sdef];
      sdef = StringCases[sdef, "StyleDefinitions -> " ~~ __ ~~ ".nb]]",
      sdef = StringReplace[
      sdef[[1]], "StyleDefinitions -> " -> "", "]]" -> ""]
      SetOptions[EvaluationNotebook[], StyleDefinitions -> Notebook[
      Cell[StyleData[StyleDefinitions -> sdef]],
      Cell[StyleData["MessageMenuLabel"], Bold,
      FontColor -> RGBColor[N[174/255], 0.1, 0],
      FontSize ->
      CurrentValue[StyleDefinitions, "Output", "FontSize"]],
      FontColor -> RGBColor[0.1, 0.1, 0.1]]

      (* last line needed per Kuba's Programming scripts to create and modify stylesheets answer*)
      /. s_Symbol /; Context[s] === "Global`" :>
      Symbol["FrontEnd`" <> SymbolName[s]]]
      (* Do something illegal to check the message appearance... *)

      Questions Why might the straightforward approach not have worked, and - for educational purposes - how should it be done programmatically & idiomatically?

      share|improve this question


      The answer by @Kuba changing color of error messages did not seem to work for me (MMA 11.0.1 Win 10 64-bit).

      I couldn't work out why and implemented something else that does work for me, but it seems very ugly and I'm sure I could learn much by seeing how others would improve on it.

      I think @Kuba's answer should have worked because I created the Default.nb as proposed in $UserBaseDirectory and my stylesheets ultimately inherit from it (Default.nb -> JM Stylsheet -> JM Clearer for TeamViewer).

      However, I also directly modified my own stylesheets by using the "enter a style name" box, entering MessageMenuLabel and MessageText and styling them appropriately. The new styles worked and I saved stylesheets but on restarting MMA these styles were gone again.

      Finally I wrote this (my 1st attempt to programmatically manipulate style definitions) making further use of @Kuba's answer to this question as follows

      (* To preserve the current stylesheet information it has to be
      plucked out of the StyleDefinitions; 1st time this is OK as the
      StyleDefinitions = just a notebook name, but after adding items it
      gets messy and we need to extract the stylesheet notebook name to reapply it.
      sdef = CurrentValue[EvaluationNotebook[], StyleDefinitions];
      If[! StringQ[sdef], (*
      this is typically just the filename of a stylesheet notebook,
      but if it isn't... *)
      sdef = ToString[sdef];
      sdef = StringCases[sdef, "StyleDefinitions -> " ~~ __ ~~ ".nb]]",
      sdef = StringReplace[
      sdef[[1]], "StyleDefinitions -> " -> "", "]]" -> ""]
      SetOptions[EvaluationNotebook[], StyleDefinitions -> Notebook[
      Cell[StyleData[StyleDefinitions -> sdef]],
      Cell[StyleData["MessageMenuLabel"], Bold,
      FontColor -> RGBColor[N[174/255], 0.1, 0],
      FontSize ->
      CurrentValue[StyleDefinitions, "Output", "FontSize"]],
      FontColor -> RGBColor[0.1, 0.1, 0.1]]

      (* last line needed per Kuba's Programming scripts to create and modify stylesheets answer*)
      /. s_Symbol /; Context[s] === "Global`" :>
      Symbol["FrontEnd`" <> SymbolName[s]]]
      (* Do something illegal to check the message appearance... *)

      Questions Why might the straightforward approach not have worked, and - for educational purposes - how should it be done programmatically & idiomatically?

      stylesheet coding-style

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited 44 mins ago




      asked 3 hours ago

      Julian MooreJulian Moore



          1 Answer






          I worked on this a while back and found that it was just too messy to really work with the Notebook expression.

          Here's a better approach: 1) pull the NotebookObject's stylesheet 2) determine if the cell style you want to edit is in there 3) edit that style or make a new cell to edit

          Here's a quick imp for that:

          nbStyleSheet[nb_] :=

          With[cv = CurrentValue[nb, StyleDefinitions],
          If[! MatchQ[cv, _Notebook],
          StyleDefinitions ->
          Notebook[Cell[StyleData[StyleDefinitions -> cv]],
          StyleDefinitions -> "PrivateStylesheetFormatting.nb"
          Lookup[NotebookInformation[nb], "StyleDefinitions"][[1]]

          stylePattern : _?StringPattern`StringPatternQ : "*"] :=

          Module[cells = Cells[nb],

          name_String?(StringMatchQ[stylePattern]), ___], ___] :>
          (name -> #2),
          _ -> Nothing

          ] &,



          editStyleCell // Clear
          editStyleCell[nb_, styleCell_, styleEdits_] :=
          FrontEnd`SetOptions[styleCell, styleEdits],
          (* this is a hack to make these edits apply immediately *)

          FrontEnd`SelectionMove[styleCell, All, Cell],
          FrontEndToken[nb, "ToggleShowExpression"],
          FrontEndToken[nb, "ToggleShowExpression"]

          makeMissingStyles[nb_, names_] :=
          FrontEnd`SelectionMove[nb, After, Notebook],
          FrontEnd`NotebookWrite[nb, Map[Cell[StyleData[#]] &, names]]

          styleSheetEdit[notebook_, styleEdits_?AssociationQ] :=

          names = Keys[styleEdits],
          nb = nbStyleSheet[notebook],
          cells = findStyleData[nb, Alternatives @@ names];
          missing = Complement[names, Keys@cells];
          If[Length@missing > 0,
          makeMissingStyles[nb, names];
          cells = Join[cells, findStyleData[nb, Alternatives @@ missing]]
          editStyleCell[nb, #, #2] &,


          styleSheetEdit[styleEdits_?AssociationQ] :=
          styleSheetEdit[EvaluationNotebook[], styleEdits];

          Let me know if you have questions. Meantime you can edit notebook stylesheets like this:

          styleSheetEdit[<|"Input" -> FontColor -> Pink|>]

          enter image description here

          CurrentValue[EvaluationNotebook[], StyleDefinitions]

          Notebook[Cell[StyleData[StyleDefinitions -> "Default.nb"]],
          Cell[StyleData["Input"], FontColor -> RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0.5]],
          Visible -> False,
          FrontEndVersion -> "12.0 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (April 8, 2019)",
          StyleDefinitions -> "PrivateStylesheetFormatting.nb"]

          You can revert changes by setting them to Inherited:

          styleSheetEdit[<|"Input" -> FontColor -> Inherited|>]

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Thanks; It'll take me a while to digest this but will get back when I have. Given your rep I guess this must be pretty optimal but it still seems like a lot of effort for something that I would have expected to be easier!
            – Julian Moore
            1 hour ago

          • $begingroup$
            @JulianMoore I just added a bunch of tweaks to make it work cleaner. It'd be doable in fewer lines if you wanted it to be less convenient I think.
            – b3m2a1
            1 hour ago

          Your Answer

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          1 Answer




          1 Answer












          I worked on this a while back and found that it was just too messy to really work with the Notebook expression.

          Here's a better approach: 1) pull the NotebookObject's stylesheet 2) determine if the cell style you want to edit is in there 3) edit that style or make a new cell to edit

          Here's a quick imp for that:

          nbStyleSheet[nb_] :=

          With[cv = CurrentValue[nb, StyleDefinitions],
          If[! MatchQ[cv, _Notebook],
          StyleDefinitions ->
          Notebook[Cell[StyleData[StyleDefinitions -> cv]],
          StyleDefinitions -> "PrivateStylesheetFormatting.nb"
          Lookup[NotebookInformation[nb], "StyleDefinitions"][[1]]

          stylePattern : _?StringPattern`StringPatternQ : "*"] :=

          Module[cells = Cells[nb],

          name_String?(StringMatchQ[stylePattern]), ___], ___] :>
          (name -> #2),
          _ -> Nothing

          ] &,



          editStyleCell // Clear
          editStyleCell[nb_, styleCell_, styleEdits_] :=
          FrontEnd`SetOptions[styleCell, styleEdits],
          (* this is a hack to make these edits apply immediately *)

          FrontEnd`SelectionMove[styleCell, All, Cell],
          FrontEndToken[nb, "ToggleShowExpression"],
          FrontEndToken[nb, "ToggleShowExpression"]

          makeMissingStyles[nb_, names_] :=
          FrontEnd`SelectionMove[nb, After, Notebook],
          FrontEnd`NotebookWrite[nb, Map[Cell[StyleData[#]] &, names]]

          styleSheetEdit[notebook_, styleEdits_?AssociationQ] :=

          names = Keys[styleEdits],
          nb = nbStyleSheet[notebook],
          cells = findStyleData[nb, Alternatives @@ names];
          missing = Complement[names, Keys@cells];
          If[Length@missing > 0,
          makeMissingStyles[nb, names];
          cells = Join[cells, findStyleData[nb, Alternatives @@ missing]]
          editStyleCell[nb, #, #2] &,


          styleSheetEdit[styleEdits_?AssociationQ] :=
          styleSheetEdit[EvaluationNotebook[], styleEdits];

          Let me know if you have questions. Meantime you can edit notebook stylesheets like this:

          styleSheetEdit[<|"Input" -> FontColor -> Pink|>]

          enter image description here

          CurrentValue[EvaluationNotebook[], StyleDefinitions]

          Notebook[Cell[StyleData[StyleDefinitions -> "Default.nb"]],
          Cell[StyleData["Input"], FontColor -> RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0.5]],
          Visible -> False,
          FrontEndVersion -> "12.0 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (April 8, 2019)",
          StyleDefinitions -> "PrivateStylesheetFormatting.nb"]

          You can revert changes by setting them to Inherited:

          styleSheetEdit[<|"Input" -> FontColor -> Inherited|>]

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Thanks; It'll take me a while to digest this but will get back when I have. Given your rep I guess this must be pretty optimal but it still seems like a lot of effort for something that I would have expected to be easier!
            – Julian Moore
            1 hour ago

          • $begingroup$
            @JulianMoore I just added a bunch of tweaks to make it work cleaner. It'd be doable in fewer lines if you wanted it to be less convenient I think.
            – b3m2a1
            1 hour ago



          I worked on this a while back and found that it was just too messy to really work with the Notebook expression.

          Here's a better approach: 1) pull the NotebookObject's stylesheet 2) determine if the cell style you want to edit is in there 3) edit that style or make a new cell to edit

          Here's a quick imp for that:

          nbStyleSheet[nb_] :=

          With[cv = CurrentValue[nb, StyleDefinitions],
          If[! MatchQ[cv, _Notebook],
          StyleDefinitions ->
          Notebook[Cell[StyleData[StyleDefinitions -> cv]],
          StyleDefinitions -> "PrivateStylesheetFormatting.nb"
          Lookup[NotebookInformation[nb], "StyleDefinitions"][[1]]

          stylePattern : _?StringPattern`StringPatternQ : "*"] :=

          Module[cells = Cells[nb],

          name_String?(StringMatchQ[stylePattern]), ___], ___] :>
          (name -> #2),
          _ -> Nothing

          ] &,



          editStyleCell // Clear
          editStyleCell[nb_, styleCell_, styleEdits_] :=
          FrontEnd`SetOptions[styleCell, styleEdits],
          (* this is a hack to make these edits apply immediately *)

          FrontEnd`SelectionMove[styleCell, All, Cell],
          FrontEndToken[nb, "ToggleShowExpression"],
          FrontEndToken[nb, "ToggleShowExpression"]

          makeMissingStyles[nb_, names_] :=
          FrontEnd`SelectionMove[nb, After, Notebook],
          FrontEnd`NotebookWrite[nb, Map[Cell[StyleData[#]] &, names]]

          styleSheetEdit[notebook_, styleEdits_?AssociationQ] :=

          names = Keys[styleEdits],
          nb = nbStyleSheet[notebook],
          cells = findStyleData[nb, Alternatives @@ names];
          missing = Complement[names, Keys@cells];
          If[Length@missing > 0,
          makeMissingStyles[nb, names];
          cells = Join[cells, findStyleData[nb, Alternatives @@ missing]]
          editStyleCell[nb, #, #2] &,


          styleSheetEdit[styleEdits_?AssociationQ] :=
          styleSheetEdit[EvaluationNotebook[], styleEdits];

          Let me know if you have questions. Meantime you can edit notebook stylesheets like this:

          styleSheetEdit[<|"Input" -> FontColor -> Pink|>]

          enter image description here

          CurrentValue[EvaluationNotebook[], StyleDefinitions]

          Notebook[Cell[StyleData[StyleDefinitions -> "Default.nb"]],
          Cell[StyleData["Input"], FontColor -> RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0.5]],
          Visible -> False,
          FrontEndVersion -> "12.0 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (April 8, 2019)",
          StyleDefinitions -> "PrivateStylesheetFormatting.nb"]

          You can revert changes by setting them to Inherited:

          styleSheetEdit[<|"Input" -> FontColor -> Inherited|>]

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Thanks; It'll take me a while to digest this but will get back when I have. Given your rep I guess this must be pretty optimal but it still seems like a lot of effort for something that I would have expected to be easier!
            – Julian Moore
            1 hour ago

          • $begingroup$
            @JulianMoore I just added a bunch of tweaks to make it work cleaner. It'd be doable in fewer lines if you wanted it to be less convenient I think.
            – b3m2a1
            1 hour ago





          I worked on this a while back and found that it was just too messy to really work with the Notebook expression.

          Here's a better approach: 1) pull the NotebookObject's stylesheet 2) determine if the cell style you want to edit is in there 3) edit that style or make a new cell to edit

          Here's a quick imp for that:

          nbStyleSheet[nb_] :=

          With[cv = CurrentValue[nb, StyleDefinitions],
          If[! MatchQ[cv, _Notebook],
          StyleDefinitions ->
          Notebook[Cell[StyleData[StyleDefinitions -> cv]],
          StyleDefinitions -> "PrivateStylesheetFormatting.nb"
          Lookup[NotebookInformation[nb], "StyleDefinitions"][[1]]

          stylePattern : _?StringPattern`StringPatternQ : "*"] :=

          Module[cells = Cells[nb],

          name_String?(StringMatchQ[stylePattern]), ___], ___] :>
          (name -> #2),
          _ -> Nothing

          ] &,



          editStyleCell // Clear
          editStyleCell[nb_, styleCell_, styleEdits_] :=
          FrontEnd`SetOptions[styleCell, styleEdits],
          (* this is a hack to make these edits apply immediately *)

          FrontEnd`SelectionMove[styleCell, All, Cell],
          FrontEndToken[nb, "ToggleShowExpression"],
          FrontEndToken[nb, "ToggleShowExpression"]

          makeMissingStyles[nb_, names_] :=
          FrontEnd`SelectionMove[nb, After, Notebook],
          FrontEnd`NotebookWrite[nb, Map[Cell[StyleData[#]] &, names]]

          styleSheetEdit[notebook_, styleEdits_?AssociationQ] :=

          names = Keys[styleEdits],
          nb = nbStyleSheet[notebook],
          cells = findStyleData[nb, Alternatives @@ names];
          missing = Complement[names, Keys@cells];
          If[Length@missing > 0,
          makeMissingStyles[nb, names];
          cells = Join[cells, findStyleData[nb, Alternatives @@ missing]]
          editStyleCell[nb, #, #2] &,


          styleSheetEdit[styleEdits_?AssociationQ] :=
          styleSheetEdit[EvaluationNotebook[], styleEdits];

          Let me know if you have questions. Meantime you can edit notebook stylesheets like this:

          styleSheetEdit[<|"Input" -> FontColor -> Pink|>]

          enter image description here

          CurrentValue[EvaluationNotebook[], StyleDefinitions]

          Notebook[Cell[StyleData[StyleDefinitions -> "Default.nb"]],
          Cell[StyleData["Input"], FontColor -> RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0.5]],
          Visible -> False,
          FrontEndVersion -> "12.0 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (April 8, 2019)",
          StyleDefinitions -> "PrivateStylesheetFormatting.nb"]

          You can revert changes by setting them to Inherited:

          styleSheetEdit[<|"Input" -> FontColor -> Inherited|>]

          share|improve this answer


          I worked on this a while back and found that it was just too messy to really work with the Notebook expression.

          Here's a better approach: 1) pull the NotebookObject's stylesheet 2) determine if the cell style you want to edit is in there 3) edit that style or make a new cell to edit

          Here's a quick imp for that:

          nbStyleSheet[nb_] :=

          With[cv = CurrentValue[nb, StyleDefinitions],
          If[! MatchQ[cv, _Notebook],
          StyleDefinitions ->
          Notebook[Cell[StyleData[StyleDefinitions -> cv]],
          StyleDefinitions -> "PrivateStylesheetFormatting.nb"
          Lookup[NotebookInformation[nb], "StyleDefinitions"][[1]]

          stylePattern : _?StringPattern`StringPatternQ : "*"] :=

          Module[cells = Cells[nb],

          name_String?(StringMatchQ[stylePattern]), ___], ___] :>
          (name -> #2),
          _ -> Nothing

          ] &,



          editStyleCell // Clear
          editStyleCell[nb_, styleCell_, styleEdits_] :=
          FrontEnd`SetOptions[styleCell, styleEdits],
          (* this is a hack to make these edits apply immediately *)

          FrontEnd`SelectionMove[styleCell, All, Cell],
          FrontEndToken[nb, "ToggleShowExpression"],
          FrontEndToken[nb, "ToggleShowExpression"]

          makeMissingStyles[nb_, names_] :=
          FrontEnd`SelectionMove[nb, After, Notebook],
          FrontEnd`NotebookWrite[nb, Map[Cell[StyleData[#]] &, names]]

          styleSheetEdit[notebook_, styleEdits_?AssociationQ] :=

          names = Keys[styleEdits],
          nb = nbStyleSheet[notebook],
          cells = findStyleData[nb, Alternatives @@ names];
          missing = Complement[names, Keys@cells];
          If[Length@missing > 0,
          makeMissingStyles[nb, names];
          cells = Join[cells, findStyleData[nb, Alternatives @@ missing]]
          editStyleCell[nb, #, #2] &,


          styleSheetEdit[styleEdits_?AssociationQ] :=
          styleSheetEdit[EvaluationNotebook[], styleEdits];

          Let me know if you have questions. Meantime you can edit notebook stylesheets like this:

          styleSheetEdit[<|"Input" -> FontColor -> Pink|>]

          enter image description here

          CurrentValue[EvaluationNotebook[], StyleDefinitions]

          Notebook[Cell[StyleData[StyleDefinitions -> "Default.nb"]],
          Cell[StyleData["Input"], FontColor -> RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0.5]],
          Visible -> False,
          FrontEndVersion -> "12.0 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (April 8, 2019)",
          StyleDefinitions -> "PrivateStylesheetFormatting.nb"]

          You can revert changes by setting them to Inherited:

          styleSheetEdit[<|"Input" -> FontColor -> Inherited|>]

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered 1 hour ago




          • $begingroup$
            Thanks; It'll take me a while to digest this but will get back when I have. Given your rep I guess this must be pretty optimal but it still seems like a lot of effort for something that I would have expected to be easier!
            – Julian Moore
            1 hour ago

          • $begingroup$
            @JulianMoore I just added a bunch of tweaks to make it work cleaner. It'd be doable in fewer lines if you wanted it to be less convenient I think.
            – b3m2a1
            1 hour ago

          • $begingroup$
            Thanks; It'll take me a while to digest this but will get back when I have. Given your rep I guess this must be pretty optimal but it still seems like a lot of effort for something that I would have expected to be easier!
            – Julian Moore
            1 hour ago

          • $begingroup$
            @JulianMoore I just added a bunch of tweaks to make it work cleaner. It'd be doable in fewer lines if you wanted it to be less convenient I think.
            – b3m2a1
            1 hour ago

          Thanks; It'll take me a while to digest this but will get back when I have. Given your rep I guess this must be pretty optimal but it still seems like a lot of effort for something that I would have expected to be easier!
          – Julian Moore
          1 hour ago

          Thanks; It'll take me a while to digest this but will get back when I have. Given your rep I guess this must be pretty optimal but it still seems like a lot of effort for something that I would have expected to be easier!
          – Julian Moore
          1 hour ago

          @JulianMoore I just added a bunch of tweaks to make it work cleaner. It'd be doable in fewer lines if you wanted it to be less convenient I think.
          – b3m2a1
          1 hour ago

          @JulianMoore I just added a bunch of tweaks to make it work cleaner. It'd be doable in fewer lines if you wanted it to be less convenient I think.
          – b3m2a1
          1 hour ago

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